Managerial Economics
1) Explain briefly the features of Public Sector Enterprises?
Point out its merits and demerits?
Ans. 1) Public Sector
Enterprise is the
Enterprise, which are owned, managed and controlled by the government.
They are also called as State Enterprise or Public Undertakings. Eg: Railway
transport, road transport, water, electricity, gas etc.
of Public Sector
State Control: They are owned, managed and controlled
by the concerned government departments.
Management: professionals may manage some of
Accountability: They are accountable to the public.
Legal Status: Each public enterprise is a separate
legal entity and established by law. They are influenced by the state policy.
Profit: Profit making is not the main motive
of such organizations, but to promote social welfare.
forms of Organization of Public Sector Enterprises:
1.) Departmental
Management: The
government departments run these. Such as posts and telegraphs, railways,
electricity, gas etc. Enterprises that provide the steady income to the
government are generally departmentally managed.
Main Features of
departmentally managed undertakings are:
by various departments of government.
servants run these services.
ministries exercise control over such departments.
to public through govt.
are financed by the govt. annually.
Some of the Defects
departmentally managed undertakings:
of initiative
in taking decisions,
in operations,
motivated, etc.
2.) Joint stock company
form of Management: These
are the enterprises, which are owned by the government but operated as private
limited companies. eg: Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL),Steel Authority of
India Ltd. (SAIL), Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. (HAL).
Main Features of Joint
stock company form of Management:
by the government.
in nature with profit motive
decision making
as private limited company
operations are subjected to close scrutiny by the govt.
than departmentally managed enterprises
3.) Public Corporations:
These are the
organizations, which are created by the special acts of legislature to run the
newly setup public undertaking. eg: Life Insurance co-operation of India (LIC),
Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), Reserve bank of India(RBI).
Main Features of Public
by the special acts of parliament.
in nature with profit motive.
than departmentally managed enterprises.
and functions are clearly laid down by the act of parliament.
independent and free to take day to day decisions without intervention of the
Merits of Public Enterprise:
- Use of Profit: Profits earned from such
enterprises is used to promote social welfare or further expansion of the
company. Eg: HMT, which is commercial in nature with profit motive.
- Sufficient Capital: It is in a position to raise more
capital then private sector as fund can be raised from various sources.
- Economies of Scale: On account of large-scale
production it is able to take advantage of Economies of Scale
- Public Welfare: They are formed with the aim of
public welfare and provide the facilities like electricity, water, rail
transport, posts and telegraphs etc at a appropriate rate which otherwise
would have if they were given to the private sectors.
- Nature of Investment: There are certain fields where the private sectors
cant invest because they are either too risky or rate of return on
investment is very low. Such types of projects are undertaken by the
public enterprise for common welfare. Eg: construction of river project.
- Labour Relation: Workers are likely to be
contended due to security and justice in the service hence the chance of
conflict is very less.
- Industrial Development: It can hire best technical and
managerial talent by paying high salaries, thus leading to the
- Balanced Development:
This can be achieved by locating the public enterprise in the less
developed areas and thereby reducing the regional income inequalities.
- Ultimate control by the people: As the control is ultimately in
the hands of people any wrong doings is set right.
- No Wastes: Expenses like Advertising etc
can be avoided, as there is no need for it in the public enterprise.
De-Merits of Public Enterprise:
- Inefficient Management: Decision-making is a very slow
process in this case and hence making the management inefficient.
- No personal interest: There is no personal interest of
any individual in the progress of such firm hence making it inefficient.
- Political Interference: Such enterprise may be exposed to
political corruption and bribery. Political consideration may determine
the transfers and appointments of person.
- Rigid: They are rigid in their
operation, rules and regulations
- Extravagance: The officials in charge of
managing the enterprise may spend in the extravagant way causing loss to
the enterprise.
- Lack of Incentive: Because of lack of incentive
there is lack of initiative and responsibility. They may not work
enthusiastically and efficiently.
- Transfers: Transfer of officers is quite
common phenomenon in such enterprises thus reducing the efficiency of the
- Unfair Competition: Public enterprise may offer
unfair competition to the Private enterprise in the same field.
- Helplessness of Consumer: Consumers have to depend for
goods and services on public sector even if they are not up to the mark.
Also the officers may not treat consumers properly.
- Prices: Prices may go on increasing and
will no longer be of a public welfare enterprise.
Q. 2) Briefly review the various
theories of profit?
Ans. 2) Various theories of profit are
as follows:
Risk Taking Theory:
According to Hawley, profit arises
because considerable amount of risk is involved in the business. But his was
criticized for several reasons. Firstly the types of risks involved in the
business are not classified. Also Cawer pointed out that profit is not the
reward for risk taking but instead it is a reward for risk avoiding. Successful
entrepreneur is the one who earns a good profit by avoiding the risks, while
mediocre businessman is not able to earn profit as he is unable to avoid risks.
b.) Uncertainty-Bearing Theory:
In this theory the risks are
classified into 2 types:
Risks: These are the
risks covered by the insurance company. Eg: risk of fire, accidents, risk of
theft etc. Owner takes the insurance policy by paying the premium for the same.
Risks: The insurance
company does not cover these risks. They may occur due to sudden increase in
the price of raw material, introduction of new substitutes, raw material supply
may be reduced. When the demand for the products suddenly falls large stock
remains in the inventory. Also there can be sudden change in the fashion. All
these factors are uncertain and cannot be insured.
Losses arising of such uncertainty
cannot be estimated with precision; hence profit can be considered as reward
for uncertainty.
c.) Innovation Theory:
According to this theory suggested by
Schumpeter, profit is the reward for Innovation. It is up to the entrepreneur
how he exploits the invention made by the scientist into innovation. But this
theory of Schumpeter has been criticized on several grounds. He neglected the
fact that profit is reward for risk and uncertainty bearing. Innovative
characteristics of the producer may help him to earn super normal profits in
the short run, but in the long run they will disappear, as it will further
attract the new firms into the market. Thus it is said that profits caused by
innovation are disappeared by imitation.
d.) Dynamic theory of profit:
The renowned economist J.B Clark
developed this theory. He pointed out that whole world is dynamic and required
of changes.
He pointed out the following type of
in the quality and quantity of human needs.
in the techniques of production
in the supply of capital
in the organization of business
in population
Techniques of production can be
changed and improved machinery may be introduced. This may reduce the cost of
production and improve the profit and output. Purchasing of improved machinery
would involve lot of capital to be raised. Adding partners or converting the
partnership firm into Joint Stock Company can solve this purpose. For this
purpose producer has to keep on adjusting himself or he would lag behind in
this dynamic ever-changing world.
Thus profit is the reward paid for
This theory was criticized for several
reasons. He classified the changes under 5 categories but has failed to look at
many other important changes like change in the government policy, monetary
policy of Central Bank can lead to expansion and contraction of supply of
money. These factors may drastically affect the smooth working of the business.
Q. 3) What is Demand
Briefly review the methods of Demand
Ans. 3) Demand
Forecasting is the
method of predicting the future demand for the firm’s product. It is
guess or anticipation or prediction of what is likely to happen in the future.
Forecast can be done for several things. It is based on the experience.
Techniques or methods of
Demand Forecasting: Method
of Demand Forecasting is based on whether the good is Established Good or new
A) Methods of Demand
Forecasting for established goods: Information
of the established good is available so the forecast can be based on this
information. 2 Basic methods of Demand Forecasting for the established goods
Interview and Survey Approach: (for short period forecast):
Interview and Survey Approach collects
information in the different way. Depending upon how the information is
collected, we have different sub methods as follows:
Opinion-Polling Method:
This method tries to collect
information from the customer directly or indirectly through market research
department of the firm or through the whole sellers or the retailers. Consumers
are contacted through mails or phones or Internet and information regarding
their expected expenditure is collected. This method is useful when consumers
are small in number.
a) It is difficult
and costly to contact all the customers
It is suitable only for short period
Consumers are not sure of their purchase plans
Opinion Method:
Large firms have organized sales
department. The salesman has the technical training as how to collect the
information from the buyers. This information is further used for forecasting
the demand.
a) It is difficult
and costly to contact all the customers
It is suitable only for short period
c) This is based on judgment & has
no scientific basis.
Survey Method:
The total number of consumers for the
firm’s product is very large called as population. It is practically not
possible to contact all the consumers. Only few of them are contacted and this
forms the sample. The sample forecasts are then generalized for the whole
population through advanced statistical methods available.
collected may not be accurate.
is not a random sample.
do not have the correct idea of their purchases in future.
of experts:
Panel of experts consists of persons
either from within the firm or from outside the firm. These experts come
together and forecast the demand for their product that is purely based on the
judgment of these experts so they are less accurate. But if based on the
scientific method the forecast would be accurate.
(e)Composite management opinion:
The opinions of the experienced person
within the firm are collected and manger analyses this information. This method
is quick, easy and saves time, but is not based on the scientific analysis and
thus may not give very accurate results.
(2) Projection Approach:
(for long period forecast)
this method past experience is projected into the future. This can be done with
the help of statistical methods.
and Regression analysis:
Past data regarding the factors
affecting the demand can be collected. It is possible to express this on the
graph. This is a scatter diagram.
Eg: If we collect the past data about
the sales and advertising expenditure of the firm, it is possible to express in
the form of scatter diagram as shown below:


. .
Sales . .
A .

In the above diagram we get the
functional relationship as line AA. Here Advertisement Expenditure is the
independent variable and Sales is the dependent variable. The relationship
between these variables is correlation and the technique of establishing this
relationship is regression. In simple correlation we establish relationship
between 2 variables and more than 2 variables in multiple correlation.
a) Assumption made is that correlation
between 2 variables will continue in
future also, this might not happen.
Series analysis
Demand forecasts for a period of 2-3
years are based on time series analysis. It is similar to the correlation
analysis. It is based on the assumption that the relationship between the
dependent and the independent variable continues to hold in the future.
B) Methods of Demand
Forecasting for new products:
methods of forecasting are used to estimate demand for new products. Following
are the methods suggested:
Some new goods evolve from already
established goods. Demand forecast for such new good is based on already
established good from which they are evolved. Eg: Demand for the color TV can
be calculated from Demand for the black and white TV, from which it is actually
a) The product should have been
evolved from the existing product.
b) It ignores the problem of how the
new product differs from the old product.
Some new goods are substituted of
already established goods. Eg: VCR substituted with VCD player.
a) New product may have many uses and
each use has different substitutability
b) When the substitute is added is
added into market existing firm may react by changing the prices.
Polling Method
Expected buyers and the consumers are
directly contacted and opinion about the product is directly taken from them.
If the population is large then sample is selected and results are generalized
for the population.
a) It is difficult and costly to contact all the customers
b) It is suitable only for short period
c) Consumers are not sure of their purchase plans
Survey Method:
New product are first introduced in
the sample market and the results seen in the sample market are generalized for
the total market.
a) Information collected may not be
b) Tastes and the preferences may differ from market to market
Opinion Polling Method:
Opinion of the consumers is indirectly
collected through the dealers who are aware of the needs of the customers.
a) It is based on the judgment
b) Limited Scope
Q. 4) What is meant by economies of scale?
with illustration the Internal and External economies of scale?
4) Initially when a
new firm is starts its operations there are diseconomies of scale, but with the
passage of time it is fairly established in the market. Its products are
constantly in demand. Workers also acquire proficiency in producing high
quality goods. As a result firm decides to increase the scale of production.
Economies of the scale are classified as Internal and External economies.
Internal Economies:
Technical Economies:
A firm that produces on the large
scale can install improved and the up to date machinery. New machinery reduces
the cost of production. Also the quality of goods produced by such firm will be
Commercial Economies:
A firm that produces on the large
scale is required to buy the raw material on the large scale. Bulk buying
enables the firm to procure the material at the lower cost. A firm making the
purchase is in a good position for bargaining. Also it can negotiate with the
transport operators and can secure concessional freight charges. Big firm
enjoys the good reputation in the market and its good are in constant demand in
the market.
Managerial Economies:
A firm that produces on the large
scale can hire the services of the experts in the various fields such as
purchase, production, marketing and finance. These experts utilize their
knowledge and experience towards maximization of the profit.
Financial Economies:
A firm that produces on the large
scale can avail the benefit of cheaper finance. A firm that has acquired
reputation and high credit rating can raise the capital quickly and easily.
Risk and Uncertainty:
A firm that produces on
the large scale can earn large profits. It can build up huge reserves out of
undistributed profits. Capacity of such firm to sustain losses is therefore
External Economies:
Benefits of the large firms are passed
on to all small firms in that area. If in any particular area many such firms
are located then they may promote common activities. These common activities
may bring several benefits to all the firms in an industry. For example in such
a region facilities of transport, banking, post-office etc may be developed and
the firm can benefit of these services. Number of new firms dealing with the
ancillary product is developed in this region. These firms may manufacture
spare parts on a large scale. The big firm may buy the spare parts at lower
cost which otherwise would have cost if they had manufactured themselves. It is
therefore profitable for the big firms to buy from small firms. Similarly
various firms concentrated in such region can start the research institute.
Benefits of this passed to all the firms. Such economies are called as the
external economies.
Q. 5) Write Short Notes
e) Fiscal Policy:
It is one of the important economic
policies to achieve economic stability. Fiscal Policy refers to variation in
taxation and public expenditure programs by the government to achieve
predetermined objectives. Taxation is transferring of funds from private purses
to public (Government) coffers. It is the withdrawal of funds from private use.
Public expenditure on the other hand increases the flow of funds into the
private economy.
Since the tax-revenue and public
expenditure form two sides of the government budget, the taxation and public
expenditure policies are also jointly called the ‘Budgetary Policy’.
Fiscal or Budgetary Policy is regarded
as powerful instrument of economic stabilization. The importance of fiscal
policy as an instrument of economic stabilization rests on the fact that
government activities in the modern economies are greatly enlarged, and
government tax-revenue and expenditure account for a considerable proportion of
GNP, ranging from 10-25 per cent. Therefore the government may affect the
private economic activities to same extent through variation in taxation and
public expenditure.
Besides fiscal policy is considered to
be more effective than monetary policy because the former directly affects the
private decisions while later does so indirectly. If the fiscal policy is
formulated that it is during the period of expansion, it is known as
‘counter-cyclical fiscal policy’.
f) Monetary Policy:
Monetary Policy refers to the program
of Central Bank’s variations, in the total supply of money and cost of money to
achieve certain predetermined objectives. One of the primary objectives of
monetary policy is to achieve economic stability.
The traditional instrument through
which Central Bank carries out the Monetary Policies are:
Quantitative Credit Control measures
such as open market operations, changes in bank rates (or discount rates), and
changes in the statutory reserve ratios. Briefly speaking, open market
operations by the Central Bank are the sale and purchase of government bonds,
treasure bills, securities, etc., to and from public. Bank rate is the rate at
which Central Bank discounts the commercial banks bills of exchange or first
class bill. The statutory reserve ratio is the proportion of commercial banks
time and demand deposit, which they are required to deposit with Central Bank
or keep cash-in-vault. All these instruments when operated by the Central Bank
reduce (or enhance) directly and indirectly the credit creation capacity of the
commercial banks and thereby reduce (or increase) the flow of funds from the
banks to the public.
In addition these instruments, Central
Bank use also various selective credit control measures and moral suasion. The
selective credit controls are intended to control the credit flows to
particular sectors without affecting the total credit, and also to change the
composition of credit from undesirable to desirable pattern. Moral suasion is a
persuasive method to convince the commercial banks to behave in accordance with
the demand of the time and in the interest of the nation.
The fiscal and monetary policies may
be alternatively used to control the business cycles in the economy, though
monetary policy is considered to be more effective to control inflation than to
control depression. It is however, always desirable to adopt a proper mix of
fiscal and monetary policies to check the business cycles.
k) Economic Problem and
its universal nature
The same basic economic problem – unlimited
wants and relatively limited resources – arises at all levels of human
organization. Thus whether we are thinking of grampanchayat, or of zilla
parishad, or club or hospital or national government, all have to face the
basic economic problem. Thus whether it is Government of India or the
Government of America, the problem of economy is always there.
The government of India with annual
revenue of about 1,00,000/- crores has innumerable demands on its resources
such as meeting mounting defense expenditure, expanding expenditure in respect
of development that is to be brought about in various sectors like agriculture,
industries, transport, education and so on. The government of India therefore
continually faces the basic problem of economy of how to make best use of its
limited resources. In the some way, the federal government of America, the
richest government faces some basic economic problem. Though in absolute terms,
its annual revenues are enormous running into billions or trillions of dollars,
its needs are also unlimited. Expanding and modernizing the defense forces,
establishing military bases all over the world giving military assistance to
the friendly countries, expenditure on space and military research etc. and
therefore even the richest government of US is always confronted by the same
basic economic problem of limited resources to fulfill unlimited wants. Every
nation, poor or rich, small or great with small or huge population, has to face
the basic economic problem; no nation can escape it.
Thus we can conclude that that there
is something universal about problem of economy. The basic economic arises in
the case of an aboriginal, a villager, a city dweller, in the case of poor as
also the rich, in case of associations like clubs, schools, hospitals and
government organization right from the village level to national level. The
problem of economy – unlimited wants and limited means with alternative uses
-has been forever confronting the mankind. The economic problem is the universal
problem. Economy problem does not recognize boundaries of caste, creed, colour,
religion and culture.
l) Profit maximization
The conventional economic theory
assumes profit maximization as the only objective of the business firms. It
forms the basis for the conventional price theory. Profit maximization is
regarded as the most reasonable and analytically most productive business
Besides, profit maximization
assumption has a great predictive power. It helps in predicting the behavior of
business firms in the real world and also the behavior of the price and output
under different market conditions.
There are two conditions that must be
fulfilled for the profit maximization:
necessary condition requires that
Marginal Revenue (MR) must be equal to marginal cost (MC). Marginal Revenue is
obtained from production and sales of one additional unit of output. Marginal
cost is the cost incurred due to one additional unit of output.
secondary condition requires that necessary
condition must be satisfied under the condition of decreasing MR and increasing
MC. The fulfillment of two condition makes the sufficient condition.
Objections to this approach:
maximization assumption is too simple to explain the business phenomenon in the
real world. In fact, businessman themselves are not aware of this objective
attributed to them.
is claimed that there are alternative and equally simple objectives of business
firms that explains better the real world business phenomenon. Eg: sales
maximization, market share.
do not have the necessary knowledge and priori data to equalize MR and MC.
In defense of Profit Maximization
those firms continue to survive in the long run in a competitive market, which
are able to make reasonable profit.
assumption has been accurate in predicting the firm’s behavior.
is time honored objective of firm
is one of the most efficient and reliable measures of efficiency of a firm.
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The End
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